Learn to Row
Workshops to get community members on the Duwamish River and experience the fundamentals of rowing.
Check back in winter 2025 for new opportunities.
Youth Program
We've had a few challenges this fall, which unfortunately resulted in us unable to offer a fall youth session or learn to row class. We are however, gearing up for the 2025 season and these are our planning goals:
Spring and Summer sessions starting in March, likely through August. Fishing season, which peaks in September, is hard to predict and impacts our ability to access the river.
This would include opportunities for beginners as well as rowers with prior experience.
March will start with land-based conditioning and training, with a plan to get on the water by April.
Session will be held Monday/Wednesday afternoons, with the potential to add a third day if there is interest.
We'll update this site in the winter with more details, information on cost, and how to sign up. In the meantime, feel free to contact us at rowdrc@gmail.com to be added to our email list.
Adult Program
We've had a few challenges this fall, which unfortunately resulted in us unable to offer a fall learn to row class. We are however, gearing up for the 2025 season and here are some initial details:
Saturday learn to row sessions for beginners, which will allow new rowers to fold into the Master's Program once they get comfortable.
The Masters Program runs April through October with limited access to the river during the fishing season, which peaks in September.
The Masters Program is membership based and aimed at rowers with some prior rowing experience.
Master's practices are held Tuesday/Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.
We may also look into opportunities for land-based conditioning and pre-season training starting later in the winter.
We'll update this site in the winter with more details, information on cost, and how to sign up. In the meantime, feel free to contact us at rowdrc@gmail.com to be added to our email list.
Our Programs
Who We Are
The Duwamish Rowing Club is a volunteer-led program providing affordable health and recreation opportunities for the South Park and Georgetown communities and beyond through rowing access to Seattle’s only river. The club offers opportunities for health and enrichment, solidarity and joy, and encourages stewardship of the Duwamish River while fostering teamwork, sportsmanship, integrity, and respect for the environment.